John 6:68-69 “Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.’” ESV
My wife said, “I’m going to the grocery store. We’re out of milk and everything else. I’ll be back in an hour. Please have the kids make cornbread.”
“No problemo.” I replied.
Ten minutes after she leaves the kids yell, “Dad! We can’t make the cornbread.”
“It’s a box mix!”
“Dad we can’t. It says we need two-thirds cup of milk.”
I’m thinking to myself, “Maybe we’ve got some powdered milk in the pantry.” I look and don’t find any. I give up the search; and with that…the cornbread.
Then my wife called and I told her that the kids weren’t able to make cornbread because we didn’t have any milk. Then she said, “Why don’t you use the powdered milk? It’s in the pantry.”
Now my search took on whole new meaning. I knew there had to be powdered milk in the pantry! My tenacity gained teeth to tear into that pantry armed with knowledge and belief.
The cornbread was fantastic.
The moral to the story is that God has a promise and an answer in his pantry for every single battle, struggle, circumstance, and problem that you would ever face. Don’t lose heart and give up by not knowing what God’s word says about your situation. Peter could’ve said it like this, “Jesus, we know you’re the pantry of life. Where else could we go to find life but you?”
Get Tenacious about finding life’s answers in God. Healing, provision, and victory are in God’s pantry built with by his promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”
My wife said, “I’m going to the grocery store. We’re out of milk and everything else. I’ll be back in an hour. Please have the kids make cornbread.”
“No problemo.” I replied.
Ten minutes after she leaves the kids yell, “Dad! We can’t make the cornbread.”
“It’s a box mix!”
“Dad we can’t. It says we need two-thirds cup of milk.”
I’m thinking to myself, “Maybe we’ve got some powdered milk in the pantry.” I look and don’t find any. I give up the search; and with that…the cornbread.
Then my wife called and I told her that the kids weren’t able to make cornbread because we didn’t have any milk. Then she said, “Why don’t you use the powdered milk? It’s in the pantry.”
Now my search took on whole new meaning. I knew there had to be powdered milk in the pantry! My tenacity gained teeth to tear into that pantry armed with knowledge and belief.
The cornbread was fantastic.
The moral to the story is that God has a promise and an answer in his pantry for every single battle, struggle, circumstance, and problem that you would ever face. Don’t lose heart and give up by not knowing what God’s word says about your situation. Peter could’ve said it like this, “Jesus, we know you’re the pantry of life. Where else could we go to find life but you?”
Get Tenacious about finding life’s answers in God. Healing, provision, and victory are in God’s pantry built with by his promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”