When God confronted Cain, He let Cain know that Abel's blood, soaked in the ground, was crying out to Heaven. What did the blood of Abel cry out for? Judgment! Justice! Condemnation! Vengeance! A Curse!
Thousands of years later, the Son of God was systematically tortured and killed in a bloody, violent act. His blood too soaked the ground that day. The writer of Hebrews tells us that the blood of Christ "speaks a better word" than the blood of Abel.
If the blood of Christ is speaking, what is it discussing? What does it say? It cries out, Grace! Mercy! Forgiveness! Peace! The blood of Christ covers the guilty, the broken, the wounded in a gentle blessing. Shields them from guilt, shame, and despair. It speaks a better word.
So what about you? When you speak today, who will you sound like?
My English is great. My Spanish is mediocre. But I deeply I desire to become fluent in Grace.
Genesis 4:10 | Hebrews 12:22-24 | Romans 12:14 | Luke 6:27-38 | Romans 8:34 | I John 2:1-2